How a one thing I used to take pride on is slowly becoming to lose its value.

If there was one skill that I would say I am relatively good at is writing.

I started to write since I was around 9 years old. My dad used to write for his firm magazine, and I used to watch him write. I became so fascinated by the process of writing and started to pick up a paper for myself and wrote a page of how a prince met his princess. I remember being so proud of how my story turned out and could not wait for my dad to get home to show him my first story. My dad was really supportive of me, still is anyway. He said, at that time, my writing was really good for my age. The next day, he brought home too many novels for me to read and said that I need to read more so I could enhance my writing skill.

Cut to the time when I was in senior high school. I took a writing exam in the English course I went to. One of the tasks was to make up a story, so I gladly did it and got 85 percent of the score. My teacher told me that my writing was the most entertaining piece of all the writing exams she ever read.

Long story short, now, my one task is to write a final research report in college. Despite all of those experiences growing up that helped me build that feeling of being a good writer, this project is starting to make me doubt my writing skill. I get so lost and not knowing what to write.
It just scary how a one thing I used to take pride in is slowly becoming to lose its value.
It is terrifying how this one thing can affect all my views on my writing skill.

I just wish that I could calm down.
Being bad at this one thing does not mean that I am a lousy writer. Maybe, I just have not found the right way to write this one. 
